

Application conditions and legal information relating to all online information, offers, services etc. from Arno Giovannini and SemioticTransfer AG.

1. Contents of the online offering

The author provides no assurance as to the topical, accurate or complete nature, nor to the quality of the information provided. No liability claims of any kind can be made against the author with reference to any material or intellectual nature arising from the use or non-use of the information provided no of the use of incorrect and incomplete information unless the author can be proven to have engaged in deliberate deception or to have acted in a grossly negligent way.

All offers and quotations are subject to change without notice and are non-binding in nature. The author specifically reserves the right to alter or delete parts of pages or the entire offering without prior notification, and to suspend the publication temporarily or permanently.

2. References and links

With respect to direct or to indirect references to third-party internet pages and websites (‹links›) that fall outside the area of responsibility of the author, an obligation to accept liability can only arise in cases where the author had prior knowledge of the contents and it would have been technically feasible and reasonable to assume that he could have prevented illegal content from being published.

The author therefore declares expressly that, at the time a link was established to third-party content, the pages to which any given link was made were free of illegal content at that time. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design nor on the content of linked / associated pages. For this reason he expressly distances himself from all content on all linked or associated pages that may have been altered since the time those links were established. This statement applies to all the links and references contained in this company’s own internet offering and to third party entries in guest books, discussion fora and mailing lists set up by the author. Only the provider of a web page containing illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content shall be liable, in particular with regard to damages arising from the use or non-use of information provided in this manner. No liability is borne by the party who merely refers to to a given publication through provision of a web link.

With respect to direct or to indirect references to third-party internet pages and websites (‹links›) that fall outside the area of responsibility of the author, an obligation to accept liability can only arise in cases where the author had prior knowledge of the contents and it would have been technically feasible and reasonable to assume that he could have prevented illegal content from being published.

3. Copyright and Trademark Law

The author earnestly endeavours to respect the copyright in all publications to the graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts they employ, to use graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts created in-house or to make use of graphics, audio files, video sequences and texts that require no licence rights.

All copyrights and trademarks named in the internet offering and where applicable by third parties are subject without restriction to the terms and conditions of the applicable copyright law and the ownership rights of the registered owners. It cannot be assumed, simply by naming trademarks, that they are not protected by the rights of third parties! The copyright for published items created by the author is held exclusively by the author of those pages. No reproduction or use of such graphics, audio files, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is permitted without the prior consent of the author.

4. Legal applicability of this disclaimer

This disclaimer must be viewed as part of the internet offering to which the link on this page refers. To the extent that any parts or individual formulations within this text may fail to comply with applicable legislation, or no longer do so in full, all remaining parts of the document remain unaffected by this in terms of their content and their validity.

5. Data protection

Wherever an internet offering contains a place for entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses etc.), these data shall be deemed to have been keyed in by the user on a voluntary basis and at that user’s own risk.

6. Legal applicability of this disclaimer

This disclaimer must be viewed as part of the internet offering to which the link on this page refers. To the extent that any parts or individual formulations within this text may fail to comply with applicable legislation, or no longer do so in full, all remaining parts of the document remain unaffected by this in terms of their content and their validity.

No liability is accepted for data and contents, and use of this service is at the user’s own risk. Reproduction and dissemination of this document outside the purview, i.e. the area of responsibility, of SemioticTransfer GmbH is prohibited.

Note: For reasons of legibility, this text opted for the masculine gender form, but all statements apply in equal measure to both genders.

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